Friday, October 1, 2010

Assignment 2 - week 02 (S.W.A.T Analysis)

Strengths - Porosity lens is a term to understand human movement through an environment or situation. The chosen flowgraphs focuses on human nature, behavior and action. Although it may be common and simple but the strengths of these flowgraphs can be improved on how human interacts, observe and  react to the enviroment.

Weaknesses - The weaknesses of these flowgraphs which has been stated as common and very simple but it can presented in so many different ways to enhance the final video submission which will challenge me more.

Opportunities - To witness how human get to a certain destination, how human reacts to nature and communicating with one another in a certain situation.

Threats - There's no threats but the challenge to combine all in to one video clip making it fluid.

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